- Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) system with Compex 205F laser (248 nm) and 2 vacuum chambers
- High-power (9 kW) and high-resolution 6-circle X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku SmartLab II)
- Spectroscopic ellipsometer
- Custom made R-T measurement system (9 K -350 K)
- Low temperature CCR systems (3 ea)
- MPMS system (MPMS-XL)
- Ferroelectric analyzer (Precision LC)
- Impedance analyzer (Solartron 1260)
- Low-temperature probe station
- Electrochemical analyzer
- RF sputtering system
- Thermal evaporator
- Furnaces
- GPU-based Calculation & Modeling Server (2 systems)
* Currently, important characterization systems and methodologies are under developing in the lab.